Why so serious??
8/13/2008 12:03:00 AM
"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"
Some 4 months ago, I remember a forwarded mail that came to me with "Batman - Dark Knight Trailer" as the subject line. It really didn't interest me much because I had not watched 'Batman begins' also. Somehow, I had the impression that Batman was one lazy superhero with no superpowers who comes out at nights only to fight the bad guys and so on. So, I didn't pay much attention to it.
Around 2 weeks ago, Pramod pings me up on gtalk and says " Just watched 'Dark Knight'... Man! Its amazing!". After that, I had around 25-30 people telling me the exact same thing for the next 3 days. If all this was not enough, I had our good old Naari puttar (Harry :P) telling me to go and watch this movie atleast 5 times a day. So, I finally thought of giving it a shot. Last Saturday, Harry was in Bangalore for his WORK (read 'Night Gaming') and so, I dragged him too for the movie. :P By that time, Harry had already seen the movie 4 times! And he wasn't done yet. :D
Since I was a noob with the Batman story, Harry puttar had some story telling to do so as to give me an intro into what all has already happened in 'Batman Begins'. And then, the movie started!
One word to describe the movie in true Barny style - "LEGEND -- wait for it to come -- DARY!". Heath Ledger is just awesome as the Joker. The Joker make-up, psychopathic laugh, his dialogues and his flawless acting simply make him stand out among all the characters in the movie. All his dialogues are just so good in the movie that most of my friends are on their way to memorising them. As most people say, he truly deserves a posthumous Oscar. Also, full credits to Christian Bale and Gary Oldman for their performance. I would have preferred Katie Holmes instead of Maggie though. :)
Also worth a mention is the Bat - pod. I was simply awestruck at its sight when it first pops out of the Mother Tumbler. :D
As a final word, a must watch for all.
**Bow to Heath Ledger (R.I.P) and Christopher Nolan.