"You will have to mix these components in the right proportion to get a maroon colored solution. Illandre nimagenu barangilla antha artha." Munnu baba was twirling both his thumbs as usual looking at the students of E3 batch lined up in front of his desk. Suddenly, whammm!! Santosh Kulkarni had fainted and collapsed. While everyone in the lab was shocked, me and Sameer couldn't just control our giggles (puttu was in E1 batch). We two were thinking in a different angle altogether when Munnu baba called for the lab assistant, sprinkled some water on santya's face, and asked him to rest on a nearby chair. We were in the chemistry lab; around one month into the second semester on a Tuesday morning, when Munnu baba was lecturing us about coming with an empty stomach to the lab can cause dizziness and stuff. While everyone paid attention to what Munnu had to say before we started off with the experiments, we two were always engaged in some sort of discussion. The result? Typical Munnu twirling his thumbs at mine and Sameer's desk after every experiment. :D
Our first sem results had come well in advance. While most of them had scored a disti easily, I had flunked in Kannada, Civil and MES. :P (Lol! Kidding. We didn't even have an exam for Kannada :D). Anyways, a new semester, new subjects, new teachers and new idiosyncrasies to make fun of. While chemistry lab was taken care by Munnu, it was CDL at class taking the theory sessions. Anybody listening to CDL for the first time would definitely make out that the "full stop" for a sentence was replaced by "baba!" in CDL's dictionary. "What baba?! See baba! Baba baba!" Phew! Too many babas to handle. And a recent update I received about Munnu is that he is currently working as a professor at Oxford Engineering College, Bangalore.
Maths was taught by JLo and ARD. While we hardly had the time to do anything in JLo's class, ARD's class was the one we enjoyed the most. "Onhe Praablem.. Same methud.. 100 praablems.. Same Methud.. Dhaaba ex baai dhaaba why.. ". Everyone was smiles when it came to ARD. And the guy never even cared about attendance or what we were doing in class. While his class used to start at 10:30, me, sameer and Puttu used to go to the class at 11:15 after a hard fought TT session. :D And the guy never even asked us why we were late. Whenever you greet him saying "Good Morning Sir", he always used to reply with "Namaskaar ri". :)
After an entertaining first instalment, Graphics was back in second semester. This time, to accompany DRR, it was none other than our "Dana kaayak hog" professor. :D While DRR's outburst at Roll No.520 was still intact in every class, a little actual Graphics was going into our heads, thanks to Professor "10 million" . :P I recall this incident from one of our graphics class when Samar had come to the class at around 2:45 when the actual class had begun at 2:15. Samar's reason for being late? "Sir.. I come from Hubli everyday". The look on DRR's face was priceless. Soon came the high frequency scream, -- "You come from Baaambey.. I don't care!! But you hyaav to be in class by 2:15." :D
Another namooona was Basic Electronics class. I actually was considering a change of branch after getting a glimpse of what I would be studying for the remaining three years of Engineering. The class, GAB's (The lecturer) tone was tailor made for a good one hour's sleep. One of the few classes in second semester we did very less talking was this class.
CCP was always fun because it was PS taking the theory classes. :P And in labs, it was PS with Aarti Ma'm. (oooOOOooo! Lucky eh? :D)I specifically recall two incidents from CCP Lab. After two or three CCP lab sessions, every student knew how to send messages to each other's terminals. In one of the lab sessions, Tanveer Sir was working on Kavva's system ( I think ) when someone(Samar) sent him a string of four to five faltoo messages. Kavva was sitting next to Tanveer sir and was seeing them pop up one afer the other on the console. The next thing we know, Tanveer sir was blasting the guy who sent those messages left, right and center in front of everyone in the lab. :D
During our lab internals, Sameer had written a program following a logic given in some VTU level book written by some Anand Naik guy. The logic wasn't entirely correct and the program was working a bit oddly. Aarti Ma'm was evaluating Sameer's program. And Sameer's viva session was:
Ma'm: Where did you find the logic for this program? Which book?
Sameer: In a text book.
Ma'm: Who has written that book?
Sameer: Anand Naik.
Ma'm:Aanand Naik? Who is this guy? Mr. India?? "
The next thing we noticed, both Ma'm and Sameer were laughing profusely at that remark. :D
Second semester was never complete without the English classes. It was very tough for us to decide which one was more entertaining, Kannada or English? :D English classes were taken by a grandpa whose name none of us know to this day. The maximum strength ever in his class was 4 or 5. And that number would never have reached 5 if it wasn't for me. One day, our classes were got over at 12:30 ( I was oblivious to the fact that we had English class at 12:30). Four students were still sitting at their desks after most of the students had vacated the class. And I don't want to disclose those four names. :P Anyways, Puttu and Sameer were all packed and ready to leave when I noticed some drawing done by Sandeep Rao on the board for some occasion. I went up to the board, took a piece of chalk, and started correcting some lines of the drawing that were erased by someone. The first 5-10 seconds were filled with "Eh santya.. Nadi le.. Time aagyada.. Hoguna.. ". After that, there was dead silence. My initial impression was that Sameer and Puttu had found some pending lab assignments to complete and were busy with it like the other four in the class. But then, I turned around slowly, and I saw our dead Grandpa crouched on the first desk reaching out for the English text book in his thaila.! In 10 seconds, I was standing at the bakery, panting and cursing Puttu and Sameer for not warning me when the grandpa entered the class while the two were laughing their heads off. :$
Soon came our exams, and I must specifically mention that I screwed up my Basic Electronics paper because the invigilator was none other than.. Umm.. you know.. :D
Two weeks of slogging and night outs and we were through with our exams. (Also, during one of our night outs, Sameer had dozed off with his mouth open and Puttu had poured a good 2 teaspoons of tea powder into his mouth. :D). After the exams, we were back to our cricket, WWE sessions and other timepass stuff.
Somewhere, in the corner of our minds, we three knew that the next semester was not going to be the same for us three stooges because all of us were getting into different branches. I was about to join the Psycho Department while Puttu was getting into the CSE and Sameer into the Mech Department. :(
PS: Thanks to Kavva for the corrections . :P
- 7/05/2009 01:52:00 PM